Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Home Remedies for the Garden

Whatever you’re paying for high-priced garden solutions, it is far too much! Many concoctions can be made with ingredients you have in your pantry. Here are a few recipes I’ve found to be effective and can be made at home by any frugal gardener.
ROSE SPRAY-helps prevent diseases such as rust, blackspot, and powdery mildew.
Mix together:
  • 1-tablespoon baking soda
  • 1-teaspoon mild dishwashing detergent
  • 1-tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 dissolved aspirin
  • 1-gallon water
Mix together and pour into a spray bottles. Spray roses every 1-2 weeks.
DEER REPELLENT-will keep deer from nibbling plants for up to two weeks.
Blend and put through cheesecloth to remove lumps:
  • 1 raw egg
Add and mix:
  • 1-tablespoon Tabasco sauce
  • 1-tablespoon fish emulsion
Some have said to put this in the sun for a few days but I’ve found it to be stinky and very effective straight from the kitchen.
MOLE REPELLENT-will send moles to another garden.
Blend together:
  • 1-tablespoon castor oil
  • 1-tablespoon dishwashing soap
  • 1-tablespoon water
Mix with 2 gallons water and spray the ground where moles are uprooting your seedlings. Water in.
These homemade concoctions should be safe for the environment if used sparingly.

source : http://centralcoastgardening.com/2009/10/home-remedies-for-the-garden/